While diet and lifestyle modifications can support your weight loss efforts, they’re not always enough to reach your goals. Since everyone experiences weight loss differently, the factors necessary for success can vary by individual.
Working with weight loss specialists can give you an edge in beating weight loss plateaus and personal disappointment. When you begin a weight loss program with medical supervision, you gain access to professional guidance and state-of-the-art treatments, like hCG shots, that can jumpstart your results. When administered by a medical professional, hCG shots can help you lose weight as fast as safely possible while you work to establish a healthy lifestyle to maintain your goals.
In her private practice in Shenandoah and Houston, Texas, weight loss specialist Winnie King, MD, specializes in using hCG shots to help patients lose fat without sacrificing body muscle. When used as part of a comprehensive weight loss program, hCG shots can help you achieve dramatic weight loss results without the frustration of trying to achieve success all on your own.
Find out more about the difference that hCG shots can make in your weight loss regimen.
How hCG shots work
hCG shots are injections of human chorionic gonadotropin, the natural hormone that women produce in large quantities when they become pregnant. Men have it too in very small amounts. This hormone is excreted in the urine of pregnant women and provides the basis for results obtained through home pregnancy tests. For weight loss programs compounding pharmacies can make a bio-identical form of HCG.
hCG normally functions to help to ensure a healthy, full-term pregnancy. The hormone increases metabolism and allows the pregnant woman’s stored fat to be broken down and used for her and her baby in case her food supply runs out during the pregnancy.
When a very low-calorie diet is consumed, the body is forced to use stored fat as its primary food source. Some patients report that hCG acts as an appetite suppressant by reducing feelings of hunger.
What to expect
hCG shots can help reset your body’s metabolism and accelerate safe weight loss. You can achieve optimal results from hCG shots when used with an hCG diet.
Dr. King’s hCG diet includes the use of an appetite suppressant, nutritional supplements, and diet instructions for a short-term, very low-calorie eating plan that is customized for your body type. Together, these components provide rapid weight loss results in about three to six weeks, though individual results vary. While most patients remain on the diet for about eight weeks, your recommendation depends on your specific needs.
While you will likely notice significant weight loss, hCG shots also help prevent you from losing muscle at the same time.
The exact dose of your hCG shots are individualized for you by Dr. King based on your unique medical history, current condition, body analysis, and lab tests. hCG shots are usually administered daily.
If you’re interested in trying the benefits of hCG for weight loss, it’s important to use hCG injections, which are only available by prescription from a medical professional. Only hCG injections can increase the blood levels of this hormone.
While hCG shots can facilitate results, they’re not a permanent solution. When you achieve your goal, a transitional program prepares you with the skills you need to maintain a diet and lifestyle that supports your weight loss success. During this period, you gradually discontinue the use of the hCG hormone while slowly increasing the number of calories you consume daily.
Find out more about hCG shots and whether they’re right for you. Call our Shenandoah or Houston office today to schedule a consultation.