At Winnie King, MD Aesthetics & Wellness, our board-certified physician uses several advanced treatments to reduce the appearance of your cellulite significantly. Is there a way to eradicate cellulite? Following are some key myths and facts about this skin imperfection.
Myth: Only people who are overweight get cellulite
Fact: People of normal weight can get cellulite, the lumpy, bumpy skin that appears on fleshy parts of your body. The hormone estrogen helps keep your skin soft and supple. When your estrogen levels begin to decrease, you produce less collagen, an important protein that keeps your skin smooth. As you age, fat cells also expand and push through the collagen, creating the crater-like appearance of cellulite.
Myth: Only women get cellulite
Fact: Both men and women can get cellulite. Although it’s much more common in women — 85%-90% of adult women have some cellulite — about 10% of men develop cellulite.
Myth: Only older people get cellulite
Fact: Cellulite can start appearing as early as between ages 25 to 35, although many women don’t see a preponderance of it until their 40s or 50s. Age and genetics do play a significant role.
Myth: Creams and lotions are as effective as other methods of reducing cellulite
Fact: Not all cellulite treatments are created equally. If you’ve been dissatisfied with traditional creams and lotions when trying to smooth out cellulite, it’s time to try something new, such as the innovative Z-Wave technology, Cellulaze™ by Cynosure®, or Smartlipo by Cynosure®.
The noninvasive Z-Wave uses high energy sound (acoustic) wave technology to smooth away cellulite. Cellulaze and Smartlipo are minimally invasive treatments. All of these technology-driven treatments have been FDA-cleared for cellulite reduction, so you’ve got a range of options, depending on how much cellulite you have and your goals.
Nonsurgical cellulite removal techniques aren’t permanent, but they can last for months. A 2018 study published in the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine reports that acoustic (Z-Wave) therapy, laser treatment (Cellulaze), and subcision (Smartlipo) are the best methods of cellulite reduction when compared to creams and lotions. This report amplifies earlier studies.
Myth: Losing weight gets rid of cellulite
Fact: Losing weight can help, but it doesn’t get rid of cellulite. Experts say that exercising, including weight training, is beneficial in reducing the appearance of cellulite. When you do squats, for example, you’re strengthening your connective tissue and muscles, which can improve your skin’s elasticity. That helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.
What areas of my body can technology-driven treatments improve?
Dr. Winnie King’s treatments work on areas of concentrated fat where cellulite is likely to appear:
- Abdomen
- Upper arms
- Thighs/Legs
- Buttocks
If you’re tired of your cellulite, call Winnie King, MD, Aesthetics and Wellness for expert treatment of all of your aesthetic needs.